Dec 15, 2019
In this first season finale, the siblings further examine the Word of Wisdom - a health code of sorts which was presented to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1833. Since then, parts of the WoW have been further elaborated and treated more or less as commandments (alcohol, tobacco, hot drinks), while others seem to be overlooked or ignored (meat used sparingly, barley for mild drinks, and wine of your own make). It has continually been a source of confusion for both members and non-members alike.
In August of 2019, an attempt at clarification was made in the church publication 'New Era', which is primarily aimed at the Mormon youth. This attempt only further muddied the waters. They elaborate in childish terms that coffee and tea are evil for some unspecified reason. But, with no mention of caffeine, soda and energy drinks are fine? Hot drinks are not for the body, but hot chocolate for all?! And apparently, prescribed marijuana use is acceptable ...
After examining all this, they wrap up with their thoughts on the first season of the show, how they are feeling about the church today, and what is in store for the future.
Brothers and Sisters, we thank thee for listening to our podcast. We shall return in early 2020 for another season of Siblings in Zion. Cheers!
Theme Music: 'The Falls' by Umbrellaman -