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Dec 22, 2019

Early in production of this season, we recorded a special addendum to shout-out some other Ex-Mo creators that have been influential in our journeys but, forgot to include it!

Today we thank them, and you. Check out the various links below. Talk to you next year!


Heart of the Matter:


Dec 15, 2019

In this first season finale, the siblings further examine the Word of Wisdom - a health code of sorts which was presented to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1833. Since then, parts of the WoW have been further elaborated and treated more or less as commandments (alcohol, tobacco,...

Dec 8, 2019

The siblings conclude their overview of the Mormon temple ceremonies with discussions on the 'prayer circle', 'sealings', and 'conversing through the veil' with 'signs and tokens' (secret handshakes). They watch and react to some of the videos of these ceremonies on YouTube and Lisa relates her own personal...

Dec 1, 2019

'I'm learning to be a less anxious person after leaving Mormonism'

Sister Lisa is indoctrinated into the cult of cannabis. The siblings discuss the conservative demonization of the substance, the attitude they have towards it now, how it truly affects them both, experimenting with conscious thought, dealing with...